About Us

Our Approach to Dog Training

We employ positive reinforcement and force-free training methods with your dog. No harsh or aversive training methods are used. While other approaches may yield quicker results, they could potentially harm your dog both physically and psychologically.

Our approach to dog training encompasses not just obedience but also factors such as behavioural issues, bad habits, history, and environment, as well as your expectations as an owner. All these elements contribute to achieving a well-balanced dog.

Most undesired behaviours stem from the dog’s lack of understanding of how to behave in specific situations, unclear rules and boundaries, and insufficient guidance from humans.

We teach you how to positively reinforce the behaviours you want from your dog and how to eliminate those you don’t. We train all breeds and offer training for dogs as young as 8 weeks old through to senior dogs. Many clients have been amazed by our straightforward, positive approach and the consistent results it brings for a happier dog and household.

Our training is designed to get real results, in the real world.

Tracee and Matilda-Rose

Remember… we don’t just train your dog. We equip YOU with the skills & techniques to train your dog yourself.

We use treats and positive reinforcement when training, so we can focus on building the bond between you and your dog with praise, affection and positive association.

Do YOU like to get paid for a job well done? Well…. So does your dog!