Dog Training Near Me: The Ultimate Guide to Transforming Your Dog’s Behaviour

If you’ve ever found yourself typing “Dog Training Near Me” into a search engine, you’re not alone. The quest for the perfect dog training solution is a journey many pet owners embark upon. Whether you’re dealing with a new puppy or an adult dog, finding the right training programme is crucial for a harmonious life with your four-legged companion. In this article, we’ll explore why choosing a local dog training service like Paws In Progress Dog Training can make all the difference in your dog’s behaviour and well-being.

Dog Training Near Me - Chocolate Labrador

The Importance of Local Training

Choosing a local dog training service has several advantages. Firstly, it’s convenient. You don’t have to travel far, making it easier to fit training sessions into your busy schedule. Secondly, local trainers are more likely to understand the specific needs and challenges of dog owners in your area, such as local leash laws or common behavioural issues.

What to Expect from Paws In Progress Dog Training

At Paws In Progress Dog Training, we offer a range of courses designed to cater to your specific needs. From basic obedience to advanced skills and behavioural consults, we’ve got you covered. Our training methods are rooted in positive reinforcement and force-free techniques, ensuring a humane and effective approach to dog training.

For those with younger dogs, our Puppy Paws in Progress Course is an excellent starting point. Designed for puppies aged 8 to 20 weeks, this course focuses on basic obedience skills, socialisation, and common puppy issues like toilet training and nipping.

Our Level 1 and Level 2 obedience courses are perfect for adult dogs. Level 1 covers essential commands like ‘Sit’, ‘Stay’, and ‘Recall’, while Level 2 takes your dog’s training to the next level with more complex skills and activities.

If your dog is dealing with specific behavioural issues such as excessive barking or separation anxiety, our Behavioural Consults are the ideal solution. These one-on-one sessions are tailored to address your dog’s unique challenges, providing long-term strategies for positive outcomes.

For those who prefer a more social setting, our group training classes offer a safe, supervised environment for your dog to learn and socialise. These classes focus on obedience, impulse control, and overall behaviour.

Walking your dog should be a joy, not a chore. That’s why we also offer specialised dog walking services to address common issues like pulling on the lead and reactivity towards other dogs or people.

Why Choose Us?


Our head trainer, Tracee, has years of experience and a deep understanding of both canine and human behaviour. Her comprehensive training approach has yielded consistent, positive results for countless satisfied dog owners.

Customised Plans

We understand that every dog is unique, which is why we offer customised training plans to meet your specific needs. Whether it’s one-on-one consults or group classes, we have an option that’s right for you.


Located in the Logan and Gold Coast areas, Paws In Progress Dog Training offers both convenience and expertise. With flexible scheduling and a variety of courses, it’s never been easier to fit dog training into your life.

So, the next time you find yourself searching for “Dog Training Near Me,” look no further than Paws In Progress Dog Training. With our range of courses, expert trainers, and convenient locations, we’re your one-stop solution for all your dog training needs. Don’t wait to make a positive change in your life and your dog’s. Contact us today to find the perfect training course for your canine companion.