Learn How to Understand Your Dog

Most humans mistakenly believe that they can bring a dog into their home and expect it to integrate easily into family life. In most cases, this is not true.

Humans act and think on one level, while dogs operate on another.

We utilise a unique approach, educating people to communicate on a level easily understood by their dogs. Over the years, it has been proven that a more holistic and diverse approach enables quicker, more consistent outcomes. Simplifying the overall approach to training means that people of all abilities and ages can easily grasp and master the concepts we teach.

A dog wants to know and understand its place within its environment and aims to respond effectively to you as its owner. If you don’t understand your dog’s requirements, it’s very likely that your dog will become confused and anxious.

Happy child with dog

This confusion often leads to the development of bad habits and issues such as aggressive, dominant, destructive, or fearful behaviour.

A dog is a living, breathing, thinking animal with feelings and needs. As an owner, you should ensure you understand these needs. Training your dog will channel its energy in the right direction by providing the correct physical and mental stimulation. You’ll build a bond very quickly, as your dog will see you as a strong, confident, and consistent leader, and will therefore be able to respond quickly and accurately to you.

1-on-1 Private Consults at Your Home:

  • Your first dog training session session includes an evaluation of your dog’s current situation, past history, and behaviour. We’ll help you understand your dog better and educate you on effective training methods. During this session, we’ll also work directly with your dog to address bad habits such as nipping, jumping, barking, and pulling on the lead.
  • This session serves as an introduction to obedience training, teaching your dog to look, listen, and respond to you effectively.
  • Additionally, this session marks the beginning of the work needed to resolve more severe behavioural issues such as aggression, anxiety, and other problems.

During this session, you will learn:

  • How to get your dog to listen to you
  • How your dog thinks and operates
  • What your dog requires from you
  • What you should be doing and the reasons why
  • And just as importantly, what you shouldn’t be doing and the reasons why

Eager to Properly Train Your Dog?

Select the course that best suits both you and your canine companion.